Heart Soul Reflections

The Amazing Mind

Awareness Holistic beings Mind Self-awareness

The Amazing Mind

The mind is an amazing thing.It’s deeply connected to the emotional part of this amazing vessel we identify as I or Me.It’s that part that allows us to get totally wrapped up in the moment.Lost in a good book for the afternoon, enthralled in a great movie. This happens because of the amazing mind.For those moments, we are living in the story and everything in our physical surroundings fades away.The mind has no concept of time: past present or future.For the mind every thing seems to be happening in this moment.Thoughts arise within the mind, which then triggers our emotions...

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Baby It's cold Outside!

blanketing horse health horse ulcers and cold horse winter care

Baby It's cold Outside!

I was recently woken up very early on a cold rainy morning by a frantic client whose horse was acting very strange. He was shivering, hanging his head low and as she described seemed like he was trying to vomit. Of course, I sat straight up in bed with concern. I could explain the first two symptoms but not the last. This horse was exhibiting signs of being cold. It had been very windy and raining for the past 12 or so hours and he had been standing outside of his shelter. The first two symptoms she described were due...

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Do I use the PNH Horsenality Chart?

heart soul confidence-based horsemanship horse behavior horse training horsemanship horsenality natural horsemanship working with horses

Do I use the PNH Horsenality Chart?

I try not to label horses with the horsenality chart, because when we humans put labels to our horses we tend to put them in a box.

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What I realized that day is Dakota was not having fun. She does not enjoy public events or high levels of activity. She prefers to hit the trail and spend quality time with me exploring wide open spaces.

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Indie Discovers She Has a Voice and a Choice

Indie  Discovers She Has a Voice and a Choice

I could tell she never really has had a voice or a choice and was mainly a part of the ranch stock line up to get the job done. She knew to mind her manners or else. It is my desire to show her she does have a voice, a choice and can become a valuable partner.

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