Holistic Horsemanship & Husbandry Blogs — groundwork
Horse Behavior as Communication: How a Mindset Shift in Humans Transforms Partnerships
Awareness groundwork heart soul confidence-based horsemanship Holistic beings horse behavior Horse Connection horse health horse training horse whisperer horsemanship Mind partnership Personal Development trust Women and Horses working with horses

Harmony & Hooves; the Vital Spark of Variety
6 Basic Needs Awareness boundaries groundwork heart soul confidence-based horsemanship horse behavior Horse Connection horse training horsemanship Mind partnership Spirit of the Horse Unbridled Freedom Women and Horses working with horses

In the enchanting journey of Harmony & Hooves, we've ventured into the heart of what connects us to our majestic companions. Today, I'm thrilled to share insights on a theme as vibrant and essential as the air we breathe - Variety. This is not just a concept but a cornerstone of a fulfilling life for both us and our horses. The Symphony of Life: Certainty and Variety Our exploration begins with the acknowledgment of our basic needs - with certainty laying the foundation. Just as a steady rhythm sets the pace for a melody, certainty provides us and our...
Boundaries and Horsemanship
Awareness boundaries groundwork heart soul confidence-based horsemanship horse behavior horse training horsemanship Mind natural horsemanship partnership Personal Development Self-awareness trust working with horses

Groundwork, the Foundation to Success
boundaries groundwork heart soul confidence-based horsemanship horse training horse whisperer horsemanship natural horsemanship partnership trust working with horses