Holistic Horsemanship & Husbandry Blogs — Spirit of the Horse
Unveiling Growth: The Path to Deeper Connection with Your Horse
6 Basic Needs Awareness Equestrian Journey Holistic beings Horse Connection horse whisperer Personal Development Self-awareness Spirit of the Horse

Welcome to another entry in our Harmony & Hooves series, where we delve into the profound journey of growth shared between horses and their human partners. Today, we touch upon a topic close to my heart and central to our series: Growth. The Essence of Growth Growth is not merely an option but a necessity for both horses and humans. It represents the fifth pillar in our exploration of the six basic needs that bind us to these majestic creatures. It's about stepping beyond the familiar, embracing challenges, and transforming together. The Journey So Far Before we venture further, let's...
Harmony & Hooves; Love & Connection
6 Basic Needs Awareness heart soul confidence-based horsemanship Horse Connection horse whisperer horsemanship Self-awareness Spirit of the Horse trust Women and Horses working with horses

Harmony & Hooves; the Vital Spark of Variety
6 Basic Needs Awareness boundaries groundwork heart soul confidence-based horsemanship horse behavior Horse Connection horse training horsemanship Mind partnership Spirit of the Horse Unbridled Freedom Women and Horses working with horses

In the enchanting journey of Harmony & Hooves, we've ventured into the heart of what connects us to our majestic companions. Today, I'm thrilled to share insights on a theme as vibrant and essential as the air we breathe - Variety. This is not just a concept but a cornerstone of a fulfilling life for both us and our horses. The Symphony of Life: Certainty and Variety Our exploration begins with the acknowledgment of our basic needs - with certainty laying the foundation. Just as a steady rhythm sets the pace for a melody, certainty provides us and our...
The Hero’s Journey; a Horsewoman’s Story
Awareness heart soul confidence-based horsemanship Holistic beings horse training horsemanship Mind partnership Personal Development Self-awareness Spirit of the Horse trust working with horses

Heart Soul Confidence-Based Horsemanship's Pathway to True Unity
heart soul confidence-based horsemanship horse whisperer partnership Spirit of the Horse trust working with horses