Holistic Horsemanship & Husbandry Blogs — horse training
Horse Behavior as Communication: How a Mindset Shift in Humans Transforms Partnerships
Awareness groundwork heart soul confidence-based horsemanship Holistic beings horse behavior Horse Connection horse health horse training horse whisperer horsemanship Mind partnership Personal Development trust Women and Horses working with horses

Harmony & Hooves; the Vital Spark of Variety
6 Basic Needs Awareness boundaries groundwork heart soul confidence-based horsemanship horse behavior Horse Connection horse training horsemanship Mind partnership Spirit of the Horse Unbridled Freedom Women and Horses working with horses

In the enchanting journey of Harmony & Hooves, we've ventured into the heart of what connects us to our majestic companions. Today, I'm thrilled to share insights on a theme as vibrant and essential as the air we breathe - Variety. This is not just a concept but a cornerstone of a fulfilling life for both us and our horses. The Symphony of Life: Certainty and Variety Our exploration begins with the acknowledgment of our basic needs - with certainty laying the foundation. Just as a steady rhythm sets the pace for a melody, certainty provides us and our...
Unbridled Freedom: Nurturing Certainty in the Dance of Harmony
6 Basic Needs Awareness heart soul confidence-based horsemanship Holistic beings horse behavior Horse Connection horse training horse whisperer horsemanship Mind natural horsemanship Overcoming Fear partnership Personal Development Self-awareness trust Unbridled Freedom Women and Horses working with horses

Welcome to our newest chapter in the Unbridled Freedom journey. This is a 6 part series dedicated to exploring the basic needs that both women and their beloved horses have in common. Today, we embark on an intimate exploration of certainty—the silent language of trust and confidence that binds us to our equine partners, guiding us through the dance of harmony with grace and understanding. The Essence of Certainty: A Symphony of Trust At the heart of every meaningful relationship lies the cornerstone of certainty. It's the soft, reassuring whisper between two souls that says, "I am here for you,...
Owning Your Role as the Herd Leader
Awareness boundaries heart soul confidence-based horsemanship horse behavior Horse Connection horse training horsemanship natural horsemanship Self-awareness Unbridled Freedom working with horses

Today, let's embark on a journey into the intricate world of herd dynamics, unraveling the profound connection you share with your equine companion. We are going to break in down into 5 very important parts that begin to create the success between horses and humans Safety in Unity: The Prey Animal Instinct Our four-legged friends, as prey animals, are ingrained with a natural instinct for safety in numbers. Even in boarding facilities, where physical barriers might separate them, the essence of a "herd" remains intact. This is why our horses become buddy and/or barn sour. Understanding this primal need for...
Boundaries and Horsemanship
Awareness boundaries groundwork heart soul confidence-based horsemanship horse behavior horse training horsemanship Mind natural horsemanship partnership Personal Development Self-awareness trust working with horses