Holistic Horsemanship & Husbandry Blogs — horse training
The Hero’s Journey; a Horsewoman’s Story
Awareness heart soul confidence-based horsemanship Holistic beings horse training horsemanship Mind partnership Personal Development Self-awareness Spirit of the Horse trust working with horses

Lunging versus Groundwork
Awareness boundaries groundwok Holistic beings horse behavior horse training horse whisperer horsemanship natural horsemanship partnership Self-awareness trust working with horses

Groundwork versus lunging or just getting on and ride I have found that there is a lot of confusion and misconception in regards to doing groundwork with our horses. Many people believe that doing groundwork and lunging are the same thing and they are not. Groundwork consists of a variety of things we do on the ground to get our horses engaging with us. When we ask our horses to do something, it requires them to engage their mind in order to get the body to do what is being asked. It gives us the opportunity to see where are...
Do I use the PNH Horsenality Chart?
heart soul confidence-based horsemanship horse behavior horse training horsemanship horsenality natural horsemanship working with horses

Groundwork, the Foundation to Success
boundaries groundwork heart soul confidence-based horsemanship horse training horse whisperer horsemanship natural horsemanship partnership trust working with horses