Holistic Horsemanship & Husbandry Blogs — Mind

The Hero’s Journey; a Horsewoman’s Story

Awareness heart soul confidence-based horsemanship Holistic beings horse training horsemanship Mind partnership Personal Development Self-awareness Spirit of the Horse trust working with horses

The Hero’s Journey; a Horsewoman’s Story

While a part of me longed for nothing more than to devote my time to pursuing my dream and sign on to taking the horsemanship journey, fear and doubt talked me out of taking that leap of faith

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The Amazing Mind

Awareness Holistic beings Mind Self-awareness

The Amazing Mind

The mind is an amazing thing.It’s deeply connected to the emotional part of this amazing vessel we identify as I or Me.It’s that part that allows us to get totally wrapped up in the moment.Lost in a good book for the afternoon, enthralled in a great movie. This happens because of the amazing mind.For those moments, we are living in the story and everything in our physical surroundings fades away.The mind has no concept of time: past present or future.For the mind every thing seems to be happening in this moment.Thoughts arise within the mind, which then triggers our emotions...

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